- American idols mepper americans idols mepper
- Baas bedriegen baas bedriegen
- Baas darten baas darten
- Beckham arobics beckham arobics
- Bloedig pinguin slaan bloedig pinguin slaan
- Bloody orca slap bloody orca slap
- Bloody seal bounce bloody seal bounce
- Britney vs bill britney vs bill
- Bush aerobics bush aerobics
- Bush martelen (niet hard) bush martelen
- Bush shoot out bush shoot out
- Bush shooter bush shooter
- Catch the kid catch the kid
- Crazy frog poffen crazy frog poffen
- Dance bush and bridney dance bush and bridney
- Dancin hillary
- Dancing bush dancing bush
- Dansende mier dansende mier
- Eddie murphy police eddie murphy police
- Fight for justice fight for justice
- Frans bauer baby frans bauer baby
- Het balkenende spel
- Hip hop bush en kerry hip hop bush en kerry
- Idols soundboard idols soundboard
- Jerry springer martelen jerry springer martelen
- Kerry martelen (niet hard) kerry martelen
- Kerry workout kerry workout
- Kick the faint kick the faint
- Kill kenny
- Kill tweety,nieuw kill tweety
- Powerfox powerfox
- Presidentele knockout presidentele knockout
- Sla de ezel sla de ezel